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Sign up now to get early access and help shape the future of Radaar.
Features for everymusic enthusiast
Discover a comprehensive set of tools designed to enhance your music discovery experience and keep you connected to your favorite artists.
Personalized Import
Handpick your favorite artists from Spotify and we'll import their complete catalog, including their recent releases. Build your perfect tracking list in seconds.
Automatic Tracking
Never miss a release again. We continuously monitor your artists and keep you updated with every new song, album, or EP they release.
Release Feed
Your personalized feed updates daily with new releases from your tracked artists. Browse through the latest music and discover what your favorite artists released recently.
Weekly Roundup
Every Friday, get a complete summary of the week's new releases from your artists. The perfect way to catch up with all the music you care about.
Ready to Join the Beta?
Be among the first to experience the future of music release tracking.
- Simple setup - connect with Spotify
- 100% Free - no credit card required
- Automatic release tracking - no manual work
- Weekly email summaries of new releases